A New Era of Genetic Medicines
Transformative Cures.
Revolutionizing in vivo targeted genetic medicines with best-in-class cargo and precision delivery—bringing safer, more effective, and lasting cures to patients.
nChroma Bio is a pioneering biotechnology company advancing the development of both best-in-class cargo and targeted in vivo delivery technologies to realize the full potential of genetic medicines.
Our technologies harness the power of epigenetics and cell-specific protein delivery to tackle the most significant limitations of current gene therapies.
Our Platform
Building a Fully Integrated Product Engine
Epigenetic Editors

- Potential for one-time, lifelong cures
- No cuts, nicks, or changes to patients' DNA sequence
- Best-in-class potency at clinically relevant doses
- Broad therapeutic potential (silencing, activation, and multiplexed gene regulation)
- Reversible gene regulation
DLVR Particles

- Efficient delivery of multiple macromolecules, including RNPs for gene editing
- Programmable for cell-specific targeting
- Can leverage a proprietary library of human envelopes with novel tropism
- In vitro validation of humanized particle
Our Programs
With over 250 million people living with HBV, there is a significant unmet need to develop lifelong cures.
Our lead development candidate, CRMA-1001, is an epigenetic editor in development as a potential functional cure for chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis D. Path to the clinic for CRMA-1001:
Optimized epigenetic silencing construct to achieve deep and durable silencing with no off-target changes in expression
Demonstrated best in class potency in pre-clinical HBV models and in NHPs using a surrogate target
Currently in CTA-enabling studies
Delivering cures in the clinic
Our Team
World-class Team at the Forefront of Genetic Medicine

Jeffrey Walsh
Chief Executive Officer

Jenny Marlowe, PhD
Chief Development Officer

Melissa Bonner, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer

Noah Goodman
Chief Business Officer

Lisa McGrath
Chief People Officer

Padma Malyala
Senior Vice President, Technical Development

Archie Mathura
Vice President, Finance & Operations

Board of Directors
Jeff Marrazzo (Chair)
Independent Board Member
Jess Alston, PhD
F-Prime Capital
Kevin Bitterman, PhD
Atlas Venture
Thomas Cahill, MD, PhD
Newpath Partners
Bihua Chen
Cormorant Asset Management
Michael A. Kelly
Sentry Hill Partners, LLC
Melissa J. Moore, PhD
Independent Board Member
Jeffrey Walsh
nChroma Bio CEO
Luke Gilbert, PhD
University of California, San Francisco
Keith Joung, MD, PhD
Arena Bioworks
David Liu, PhD
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard University
Angelo Lombardo, PhD
San Raffaele Scientific Institute for Gene Therapy and Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
Luigi Naldini, MD, PhD
San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy
Jonathan Weissman, PhD
Whitehead Institute and MIT
Partners in Our Mission